Consultancy is available in the following areas:
Environmental Impact Assessment and Biodiversity Studies
Establish baseline data acquisition or environmental screening or desktop studies to bench mark future potential impact. The analysis of project activities or development activities with inherent potential effects will lead to ability to predict impacts and facilitate corrective action register for mitigation of potential adverse effect during operations. Environmental and social impact assessment studies are regulatory compliance requirements for carrying out any major manufacturing, construction and oil and gas project in the Country. We have the expertise to conduct biodiversity and natural ecosystems conservation and restoration studies. Biodiversity is becoming a significant regulatory requirement in the global sustainable environmental program and many Companies will be required to demonstrate biodiversity considerations as duty of care and due diligence in environmental sustainable development.
Health Risk Assessment
Health risk assessment is the documentation and data evaluation of state of health of industrial workers in view of the probability, exposure and frequency of contact with health hazards. The study results create awareness on health implication of workers, the sensitivity of their activities to contacts with environment, work tools, equipment and chemicals etc. It is mandatory for industries to undertake this study to protect itself from litigation and liabilities in future.
Environmental Planning and Monitoring
Environmental Planning and Monitoring is an offshoot of the above two studies: ESHIA (Environmental, Sociological, Health Impact Assessment) The corrective actions and mitigation measures plans need be restructured into implementable programs with target lines and compliance monitoring score sheets. Air quality, ground water and effluent monitoring.
Engineering Design and Construction
Mainly engineering design for waste treatment and disposal systems. This includes surface disposal sites, effluent disposal systems, subsurface and ground water treatment systems. Drilling of Water bore holes, soil and core sampling and analysis. Engineering and Project Management including Environmental Sensitivity Index Mapping (ESI), Geographical Sensitivity Index Mapping (GIS), We have expert services in borehole provision and sampling and monitoring equipments.
Environmental Laws and Guideline
We provide specific training in this under training. We can also support review of any standards and guideline and communicate the impact of such regulations and guidelines on client's businesses as well as provide framework and strategies to enable Clients comply with relevant standards. This will depend on the nature of Client's business and the regulatory requirements. We can develop regulatory compliance system for clients.
Permits and Approvals Procurement
One of the new and emerging areas in Company businesses is the need to demonstrate due diligence in their business processes and activity execution. Often times a number of consents, approvals and permits are required at different stages of the project development, execution, production or manufacturing. Absence of, delayed or lack of permits are sometimes fatal flaws in project implementation and execution. The permits are in many occasions tied to project milestones and lack of permits have been known to be 'show stoppers' for most projects. We have the competence to design and provide strategic plan to acquire your permits and consents early enough that eliminate project execution and implementation delays. Above all skips of project schedules cost the companies money, therefore meeting targets and deadlines save cost and portray good image for the Company.
Stakeholders Management
Stakeholder management is often neglected by many Companies in the face of Health, Safety and Environment. It involves effective communication, engagement and preparation of memorandum of understanding. Unfortunately it is not recognized that these areas are meant for both external and internal Stakeholders. This results in disagreements and quarrels during project execution, product manufacturing and production. Stakeholders are expected to be identified early and proactive and constructive engagement carried out early at concept selection phase of the project. Sustainable community development can only be achieved through Participatory Rural Appraisals (PRA) and agreed implement able Community Development Programmes. (CDP).
Human and Material Resources
We provide personnel or body shop services and development to requiring Companies and establishment. We also provide fit for purpose training for the staff of our Clients in a conducive learning environment as may be decided by the client.
Photographic and Video Documentaries
We provide specialist skills to provide a wide range of communication training and coverage in business documentaries, advertisements, promotions and interviews of all kings to the satisfaction of our Clients. The pictures and audio visuals qualities are exceptional. Our documentary, photographic and magazine production is second to none in the Country and our production can be done locally or internationally. We encourage you to patronize us and see the creative beauty in our product,
Wells and Rig Services/Marine Services
Part of our goal is to expand our Oil and Gas services as more of our Principal Consultants are into oil and gas exploration and Production services. We therefore have capability to provide oil and water wells drilling services especially with wastes and chemicals management including monitoring and ecotoxicity tests. We provide marine transportation and also support water survival and safety training locally and overseas.
Waste Management/Agro based Services
We conduct polluted land rehabilitation and management of waste disposal sites studies. We provide and install ground water monitoring equipment, carry out ground water treatment and rehabilitation. We provide emergency oil spill response services, control and clean up. We are experts in bioremediation, tree planting and bees infestation management. We have a program termed 'Waste to Cash Programme' e.t.c.
Consultancy is available in the following areas:
Environmental Impact Assessment and Biodiversity Studies
Establish baseline data acquisition or environmental screening or desktop studies to bench mark future potential impact. The analysis of project activities or development activities with inherent potential effects will lead to ability to predict impacts and facilitate corrective action register for mitigation of potential adverse effect during operations. Environmental and social impact assessment studies are regulatory compliance requirements for carrying out any major manufacturing, construction and oil and gas project in the Country. We have the expertise to conduct biodiversity and natural ecosystems conservation and restoration studies. Biodiversity is becoming a significant regulatory requirement in the global sustainable environmental program and many Companies will be required to demonstrate biodiversity considerations as duty of care and due diligence in environmental sustainable development.
Health Risk Assessment
Health risk assessment is the documentation and data evaluation of state of health of industrial workers in view of the probability, exposure and frequency of contact with health hazards. The study results create awareness on health implication of workers, the sensitivity of their activities to contacts with environment, work tools, equipment and chemicals etc. It is mandatory for industries to undertake this study to protect itself from litigation and liabilities in future.
Environmental Planning and Monitoring
Environmental Planning and Monitoring is an offshoot of the above two studies: ESHIA (Environmental, Sociological, Health Impact Assessment) The corrective actions and mitigation measures plans need be restructured into implementable programs with target lines and compliance monitoring score sheets. Air quality, ground water and effluent monitoring.
Engineering Design and Construction
Mainly engineering design for waste treatment and disposal systems. This includes surface disposal sites, effluent disposal systems, subsurface and ground water treatment systems. Drilling of Water bore holes, soil and core sampling and analysis. Engineering and Project Management including Environmental Sensitivity Index Mapping (ESI), Geographical Sensitivity Index Mapping (GIS), We have expert services in borehole provision and sampling and monitoring equipments.
Environmental Laws and Guideline
We provide specific training in this under training. We can also support review of any standards and guideline and communicate the impact of such regulations and guidelines on client's businesses as well as provide framework and strategies to enable Clients comply with relevant standards. This will depend on the nature of Client's business and the regulatory requirements. We can develop regulatory compliance system for clients.
Permits and Approvals Procurement
One of the new and emerging areas in Company businesses is the need to demonstrate due diligence in their business processes and activity execution. Often times a number of consents, approvals and permits are required at different stages of the project development, execution, production or manufacturing. Absence of, delayed or lack of permits are sometimes fatal flaws in project implementation and execution. The permits are in many occasions tied to project milestones and lack of permits have been known to be 'show stoppers' for most projects. We have the competence to design and provide strategic plan to acquire your permits and consents early enough that eliminate project execution and implementation delays. Above all skips of project schedules cost the companies money, therefore meeting targets and deadlines save cost and portray good image for the Company.
Stakeholders Management
Stakeholder management is often neglected by many Companies in the face of Health, Safety and Environment. It involves effective communication, engagement and preparation of memorandum of understanding. Unfortunately it is not recognized that these areas are meant for both external and internal Stakeholders. This results in disagreements and quarrels during project execution, product manufacturing and production. Stakeholders are expected to be identified early and proactive and constructive engagement carried out early at concept selection phase of the project. Sustainable community development can only be achieved through Participatory Rural Appraisals (PRA) and agreed implement able Community Development Programmes. (CDP).
Human and Material Resources
We provide personnel or body shop services and development to requiring Companies and establishment. We also provide fit for purpose training for the staff of our Clients in a conducive learning environment as may be decided by the client.
Photographic and Video Documentaries
We provide specialist skills to provide a wide range of communication training and coverage in business documentaries, advertisements, promotions and interviews of all kings to the satisfaction of our Clients. The pictures and audio visuals qualities are exceptional. Our documentary, photographic and magazine production is second to none in the Country and our production can be done locally or internationally. We encourage you to patronize us and see the creative beauty in our product,
Wells and Rig Services/Marine Services
Part of our goal is to expand our Oil and Gas services as more of our Principal Consultants are into oil and gas exploration and Production services. We therefore have capability to provide oil and water wells drilling services especially with wastes and chemicals management including monitoring and ecotoxicity tests. We provide marine transportation and also support water survival and safety training locally and overseas.
Waste Management/Agro based Services
We conduct polluted land rehabilitation and management of waste disposal sites studies. We provide and install ground water monitoring equipment, carry out ground water treatment and rehabilitation. We provide emergency oil spill response services, control and clean up. We are experts in bioremediation, tree planting and bees infestation management. We have a program termed 'Waste to Cash Programme' e.t.c.